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11. API to retrieve the product list

The API returns a list of products (and their corresponding IDs) that match the search query.

The product ID will need to be included in the order submission API for certain specific workflows.


GET /services/kho-hang/thong-tin-san-pham?term=laptop


  • Token: {API_TOKEN}
  • X-Client-Source: {PARTNER_CODE}
  • Content-Type: application/json

Sample Request

GET /services/kho-hang/thong-tin-san-pham?term=laptop HTTP/1.1
Token: {API_TOKEN}
X-Client-Source: {PARTNER_CODE}


termyesString - Product search term


Case 1 : Shops that have previously registered order information or product information on the GHTK system.

"success": true,
"data" : [
"full_name": "Laptop Asus",
"product_code": "23304A3MHLMVMXX625",
"weigh": 2,
"cost": 8000000
"full_name": "Laptop Dell",
"product_code": "23304A3MHLMVMXX888",
"weigh": 2.5,
"cost": 12000000

Case 2 : Products whose information has never been entered into the GHTK system.

"success": true,
"data" : []

In this case, the partner's order submission API should send product_code: "" so that the GHTK system generates a new product code.